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Confirmation classes

St. Peters' News

The Bishop Is Coming!
The Bishop will be coming to St. Peter's to Confirm, Receive, and Reaffirm candidates.  Below is a very general description of these three rites.  Please see Fr. Jesse if you have any questions.
Confirmation - A rite by which we express an adult faith and commitment to Jesus Christ and, by prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop, receive strength from the Holy Spirit to continue in this life of faith and commitment.  Baptism is a prerequisite for Confirmation.  When Confirmed by an Episcopal Bishop, an individual is considered a member of the Episcopal Church.
Reception - An individual who has already been Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church or one of the Orthodox churches is considered to be ".....a member of the one holy apostolic church..." and need not be Confirmed in order to join the Episcopal Church.  Rather, the person is ".....received into the fellowship of this Communion" (BCP p.418) by the Bishop.
Reaffirmation - for those already confirmed, to mark a significant stage in their Christian journey by making a public reaffirmation of the baptismal vows in the presence of the Bishop.  After a period of preparation, the person takes part in the Confirmation rite even though already Confirmed.  The Bishop responds to the affirmation:  ".....may the Holy Spirit, who has begun a good work in you, direct and uphold you in the service of Christ and his kingdom."  (BCP p.419)  A reaffirmation of baptismal vows may occur several times in an adult faith journey.

More information will follow as dates and curriculum content are finalized.